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Lavender Essential Oil


Lavender is a fragrant flower in nature and has been used in potpourri and perfume-making for centuries. Also known as Lavendula Angustifolium, it is extracted through steam distillation from the flowers of the lavender plant.

Lavender is popular for many uses today such as aromatherapy, lotions, soaps, etc. Some of its benefits include aids in insomnia, prevents bugs, treats respiratory problems, aids in digestion, and many more.

Lavender Essential Oil – Organic


Lavender is a fragrant flower in nature and has been used in potpourri and perfume-making for centuries. Also known as Lavendula Angustifolium, it is extracted through steam distillation from the flowers of the lavender plant.

Lavender is popular for many uses today such as aromatherapy, lotions, soaps, etc. Some of its benefits include aids in insomnia, prevents bugs, treats respiratory problems, aids in digestion, and many more.