Showing 10–18 of 22 results

Skull Cap


Skullcap, also known as Scutellaria Baicalensis, is a perennial herb native to Asian countries. The leaves are often used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat insomnia, diarrhea, inflammation, as well as respiratory infections. They are usually sold in powder and capsule form, while its leaves are used to brew tea. Although Skullcap has many benefits, it is not appropriate for everyone and may have side effects such as irregular heartbeat, anxiety, and drowsiness. People with impact liver function should avoid this herb.

Horse Tail


Horsetail, also known as Equisetum Arvense, is a herb known for its reparative properties in tissue and bone problems. They can be used internally or externally to heal and strengthen the body. Although it is considered a weed, it is packed full of benefits from treating urinary infections to treatment for respiratory issues. Thousands of year ago, the Romans use it to treat kidney and bladder problems as well as arthritis and tuberculosis, while Greeks used it to treat wounds. Horsetail is also known for treating respiratory disorders and restore lung health.

Chicory Root


The Chicory is a woody perennial herbaceous plant of the dandelion family. They are usually used for salad leaves or their roots as a coffee substitute. Chicory Roots have a rich source of water soluble fiber called Inulin. The Inulin is very often used to replace dietary fat or sugar in processed food although they are not digestible. Chicory is known to prevent diabetes and improve bowel movement. They are also used today for inflammation, swelling and osteoarthritis.

Dandelion Leaf


Dandelion also known as Taraxacum Officinale, is a stubborn weed plant that usually grows in your lawn or garden. The Dandelion has long been used in medicinal properties, as well as to help in digestion and stimulate appetite.

From root to flowers, the entire Dandelion is edible. It has a chicory-like taste and is slightly bitter. They are rich in vitamins A, C, and K, as well as vitamins E and B. Dandelion leaf has an earthy and herbarceous flavor, while the root has a smoky and toasty flavor.

Dandelion Root


Dandelion also known as Taraxacum Officinale, is a stubborn weed plant that usually grows in your lawn or garden. The Dandelion has long been used in medicinal properties, as well as to help in digestion and stimulate appetite.

From root to flowers, the entire Dandelion is edible. It has a chicory-like taste and is slightly bitter. The root is sometimes roasted to create a caffeine-free Dandelion coffee, which is a substitute for individuals who want to drink coffee. Dandelion Root is known to contain antioxidants, helps fight inflammation, aids in bloods sugar control, reduces cholesterol and blood pressure, as well as protects the liver.

Milk Thistle Seeds


Also known as Mary Thistle or Ho Thistle, the Milk Thistle is a flowering plant that comes from the Daisy family and is often used for natural remedies. Silymarin is an active ingredient in Milk Thistle which is mainly used to treat liver problems, lower cholesterol and help Type 2 Diabetes. Even without any health issues, Milk Thistle can be consumed as a very effective digestive aid to break down animal and trans fat when taking in too much rich fatty foods.

Dried Burdock Root


Used since the early centuries, Burdock Root is a plant that is harvested for its medicinal qualities and has been used as a remedy for a range of ailments. In the olden days, herbalists use Burdock to help patients to overcome their illness such as alleviate constipation, control arthritis, gout pain, as well as ease stomachache and intestinal disorder. Today, Burdock is used in helping lymphatic drainage, improves digestion, aids in protecting the liver, as well as improves skin problems such as acne.

Ginkgo Leaves


Known as one of the oldest species of trees in the world which grew as far back as the prehistoric times, the Ginkgo is highly resilient and can thrive for thousands of years. This unique plant has leaves that are shaped like fans and resemble the cerebral cortex two hemispheres when on closer inspection. Both the nuts and leaves are edible and are known for enhancing memory and cognitive functions, improve circulation to the brain, improve blood flow to the eye, and help improve headache and fatigue.

Marshmallow Root


A perennial herb native to Europe, North Africa, and western Asia, Marshmallow root is a flowering plant that has been used in herbal medicine for centuries to treat various ailments such as coughs, skin irritation, ulcers, as well as digestive problems. Also known as Althaea Officinalis, the Marshmallow candy’s name is derived from the Marshmallow root as it used to contain its mucilage. However in today’s candy, it only contains gelatin and sugar. Some of the benefits of Marshmallow root include soothing the mucous membranes of the respiratory, digestive and urinary tracts as it’s provide natural mucilage.