
DIY Ritual Cleansing Kit

Gift yourself a fresh start this Halloween by creating your very own smudging cleansing kit. What is smudging exactly? Smudging is an ancient spiritual ritual performed by Native Americans as a tribal practice. It is commonly used for eliminating bad juju and literally cleansing the air, purifying all the bad elements, dusts, pollen.. etc.

Also known as Burning Sage, there are many cultures across the world that share similar rituals and they are known for benefitting your overall well-being. Some of it include purifying toxins such as chemicals, cleaning supplies, fumes, as well as mold, dust and pollens in the air that we breathe in.

Apart from its cleaning counter parts, it was also used as a spiritual tool traditions ago by healers to connect to the spiritual realm or to enhance their intuition. It is also used to get rid of negativity, bad energies, or even bad experiences. Scientifically, research has shown that burning sage also helps to lift one’s mood as sage contains rich compounds that activate various receptors in the brain which reduce stress and alleviate pain.

So, how do we smudge exactly? Light the sage, smudge yourself first by trailing the smoke from top to toe, then move on to every part of the house and every corner, then move back to where you first started. That’s it!

How often would you smudge since there are so many benefits to this cleansing ritual? You can do it anytime you want, maybe to feel protected, renewed or refreshed in your life. So, let’s start gathering the ingredients we got here for your smudging needs.

What You Will Need:


  • If you are looking into a normal cleansing ritual, just get a single sage stick and light it up will do.
  • Always open the window when smudging, so you can let out the bad air.
  • Do not leave the smudge stick unattended while its burning.